My name is Angelo Coluccia. I was born and raised in the Puglia region and have over 15 years professional experience in the wine, food and travel business. My passion for and knowledge of Puglia is what sets this adventure apart from others and gives people a unique experience. Thus I open the doors to your individual discovery of the culture and history of Puglia, the diverse flavours of its cuisine and the beautiful sites that this region has to offer.
I realize that travelers yearn for a deeper experience when visiting Italy. So my ultimate goal is to provide more than a “coach” experience – more than just an overview of art, history and architecture. Then I strive to make Italy’s “hidden secret”, Puglia, come to life for each and every one of my guests.
I arrange private tours of Puglia for individuals, couples, families or small groups up to 8 people.
Please contact me and I’ll be pleased to answer any questions: angelo@experiencepuglia.com

What our guests said about us:
“…Over the course of the six days as my guide through Puglia, conversation by conversation, ancient site by ancient site, sumptuous meal upon sumptuous meal, Angelo became my friend. And, for me, that was the most unique and unexpected difference regarding Angelo’s services – and the most appealing. It never felt like I was on a “tour”, which made the experience extremely comfortable as well as engaging and, delightful… All in all, my travels with Angelo exceeded all hopes and expectations for my stay in Puglia.” Francesca Smith – California (USA)
“Angelo’s manner was professional and friendly. He was always neatly dressed and on time. He spoke with knowledge and passion whether he spoke about the ancient ruins, frescos, winemaking, or olive growing… All of the tour scheduling and various reservations were executed perfectly. We kept to a schedule, but there always seemed to be extra time along the way to browse in an interesting store, stop for an expresso or take an extra picture, or two.”
Lottie Castellano – New Jersey (USA)
“…The restaurants Angelo chose for lunch were excellent and the cost fully included in the price, as was the wine that accompanied the meals ( in this regard Angelo is quite an authority and I learned a great deal about Italian wine). Quality was paramount and was another example of the great value for money provided by the Experience Puglia event.”